Although my music video involves the merge of a BMX style video in with the conventions of music video, there are many types of shots which are rather creative which help portray themes throughout, like portraying rider personality, enjoyment and hard working which give bike videos depth. I would like to analyse a range of bike videos and pick out a range of these creative shots as I would like to include lots and lots of these to make the video visually interesting for the viewer of the final product and I believe these creative shots being emphasised will make the final product more of a music video than primarily a bike promotion video.

For the new 2015 Alex Kennedy edit which I chose to analyse because of him being my favourite rider, many creative shots are included to link to Alexs natural and spiritual personality and flowy style of riding. Many of Alex Kennedy's lines filmed show the trick from may angles while travelling along. The shot might start from a close up on his back tire then cut to a mid low shot emphasising the trick. This style along with shots of close ups on his face sweating or sun reflective shots mixed in-between reflect him as a person which adds depth and is enjoyable to watch.

The OSS plug prices team edit is very similar to the Alex Kennedy Edit, however instead of trying to display rider personality as such, they show more of the theme of hard work and getting up and trying again till you succeed. I like this because it gives the audience perception and understanding of the sport which I would like include in my edit as I would like to show how my riders enjoy what they do and the effort into what they love.
This OSS Summer products promotion video is very basic in style and doesn't include many hard hitting tricks, but more of a chilled ride as a team which is something which was enjoyable to watch. Basic tricks were emphasised and looked pretty with bring sun and colours shining throughout yet in a saturated tone which looked and set a nice scene. Many of the tricks were slowed down slightly allowing the viewer to focus of the rider and shots of them cruising around from a low angle sliding sand etc looked cool and natural.
Brandon Begin is a rider on the OSS team and his edit incorporates a mixture of styles from both the summer edit and plug prices. I like this and would like to mix this into my music video
however including elements of shots from Alex Kennedys video would make a around better edit and the creative shots I have learn from all 4 videos and many more will take my edit to a music video.