Saturday 5 September 2015

Music Video Styles- Concept

The concept style of music video follows the idea of creating an almost abstract obscure feel/focus to the video which is often based around artistic interpretation, sometimes not linking to the songs feel/ lyrical meaning. This then creates a surreal feel the the video for the audience.

The video which stands out the most to me about this is 'Cant Stop' by the Red Hot Chili Peppers which uses abstract to make the scenery 'weird'. Erwin Wurm is credited for the style behind the video; as an abstract sculpter Erwin create 1 minute sculptures of abstract styling which the directors used as a focus of the video. Scenes of the band members balancing water bottles on their heads, flying through the air, pink foam peanuts and jumping out of trash cans can be seen as examples of the abstract essence of the video, however in retrospective they arbitrary actions which follow and took inspiration of the themes and ideas used in Wurms work. I personally like the use of concept in the video, I like how the twangy spanky tone of the music has a feel of brightness which can sort of link to the almost spontaneous wackiness of the actions within shots which creates a happy vibe.

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