Monday 4 April 2016

Music Video Edit 2

In this edit I start to progress into adding colouring filters and adding the transition of travelling to the final spot where the last third of the video is going to be filmed. I added a grey saturated tone to the video which I liked in my research. I did this to emphasis on the meaning to the sport and the riders and how its not about competition but more the individualistic elements and hard work which the riders put in for the enjoyment they get out. The grey tones also add a gritty raw feel which I personally really like which I have seen in other videos from my research, and is also presenting the themes of riding, friendship and hard work in its most natural way. 

Towards the end of this edit, I bring into play the quick change of the hand covering the lens and then it coming away presenting a fully re built riding spot, which we thought of on the day. I like this as it shows progression over a period of time in the matter of seconds which keeps the audiences interests and the videos flow in tact.

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